How to Make the Perfect Cereal

Jessica Morgan
Web log #4
Ms. Jen. Snow

“How to Make the Perfect Cereal”

How to make cereal can be a difficult process. Some people think it is as easy as 1,2,3, but it’s not. Everything has to be perfect and in order for you to enjoy a perfect bowl of cereal. There are several steps into making this process correctly:
Step one, is finding the perfect cereal. You will want a cereal that will have your taste bugs jumping and screaming for more. Nothing too sweet nor salty; something just right. After picking out the right cereal go over and get the milk of your dreams. It is very important you get the matchless cereal and milk or, your plan wont be in good affect.
Next step, is finding a flawless spoon right for your choice. Now there are different ways into finding an ideal spoon. One good way is taking your thumb and measuring it to a spoon, but there’s a catch. Imagine you have two thumbs next to each other. If the spoon fills up and measure to both your thumbs then you have found a great spoon for your mouth. That will make your meal even better by having a good spoon. You wont have a spoon too big or too small for your mouth; You will have a spoon just right for you.
Now this process might take a little longer than expected depending on how big or small you thumb(s) are, but eventually you will get it together. Now I know you’re starving of hunger and you just want to eat the cereal already and go on about your day. But,Wait! You still have to pick out your Amazing bowl to enjoy the delicious cereal in.
Last but not least, picking out the right bowl is an important job too. Be very cautions of what bowl you use. You don’t want a bowl that splashes milk everywhere soon as you put your perfect spoon back into the bowl. You want a good sturdy bowl; that when you put it to your mouth the milk comes out in an easy flow. Leaving the bowl crystal clear as if anything was ever in it.
To conclude, there are only 5 simple steps into making the perfect bowl of cereal. First step is picking out the right cereal your mouth is watering for. Second step is picking out the greatest UN-expired milk your eyes ever seen. Third step is having your measured spoon prepared to do damage to this meal. Fourth step is getting the justifiable bowl that’s the same size as your hands. Last step is to have a safe eating. Enjoy!

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